
Turmzimmer 1 im Herzogturm

Price as single room: 


Price as double room: 



Vanity mirror and hairdryer
Minibar, Safe
Cable TV/ radio
Phone & Internet
free WIFI & DSL


Experience a bit of middle age in the ancient watch tower with its nearly 2m thick walls, but of course with the amenities of a modern hotel room
Herzogturm on 1st and 2nd floor
Over a steep stair you reach the bedroom on the 1st floor which recalls a cuddly cave with a little bench, table, desk and stool. The modern bathroom is located one floor higher (to reach the bathroom you have to use the same stair than the guests in the upper tower room). On the stairwell there is a kitchenette with fridge and little cooking facility at your disposal.
The equipment of the tower room is modern with tv, telephone, wifi, safe, minibar/fridge, hairdryer, bathrobe and bath shoes. Breakfast is served in the main building of the hotel (distance ca. 30m).


  • K6-Turmzimmer

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